All about Sean!
What is his name? Sean Martin Lamb
How long have you been married? 8 1/2 exciting years! There is never a dull moment at our house!
How long did you date? 8 months It seems so crazy that you can fall in love so quickly!
How old is he? 33
Who eats more? Depends on the day and what it is, but luckily Sean will mostly out eat me!
Who said I love you first? Sean, a very entertaining story but too long to go into all the details!
Who is smarter? I would say Sean, he seems to have a quick answer to everything even though half the time you can tell it is made up!
Whose temper is worse? Neither of us really have a temper, but I tend to get upset more often than Sean
Who does the laundry? Me, I don't know if Sean even knows where the washing machine is!
Who does the dishes? Me for the most part, we have a deal Sean cooks and I clean up after him!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Sean
Who pays the bills? I do, Sean would have no clue if we had one dollar of a million dollars in the bank!
Who cooks dinner? Sean generally cooks, Ty will play with his girl cousins who love to play house and he is always the dad when we ask him what he is doing he says" I am cooking, I'm the dad!" So I think that tells you who cooks at our house!
Who drives when you are together? Sean, I avoid driving if I can, I love to be the passenger!
Who is more stubborn? Me, the older I get I find myself being way more stubborn!
Whose parents do you see the most? We see Sean's more often because they live close, but we spend more long weekends with my family!
Who proposed? Sean at the delicate arch! It was a great day!
Who has more friends? I would say it is pretty equal! We have been lucky enough to have found couples that we love to spend time with that everyone gets along!
Who has more siblings? Sean, 4 sisters
Who wears the pants in the family? I think it's pretty equal, we both have things that we are not too willing to compromise on but everything else we tend to decide and carry out together!
I tag Stephanie, Tysen, Caitlyn, Shelley, Michelle
1 comment:
So cute! Ok..I have to say I'm surprised about the driving thing...I ALWAYS remember you being the one to drive with friends and loving to drive anywhere your family went...wasn't that a mustang you had?
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