Today me and Ty put together this bouncer my parents brought up on their last visit. Ty thought it was very unfair because Macy already had one in her room so he decided that this one was for him. So after we put it together he jumped right in it said he needed a blanket and just sat there unwilling to get out! So we may not have a baby yet but at least Ty is making good use of her new toys!
I have been having to have non stress tests every week for about the last month because she is measuring really small so when I went on Monday and they said my amnionic fluid was only an 8 (which most of the time if it drops below 7 a lot of doctors will induce) I really got my hopes up that at my appointment later that day they would say it is time to induce you! I was wrong! My doctor is out of town so I saw his daughter who is also in his office. She said I was not ready and I would just have to wait until next week and see my regular doctor when he gets back on the 30th. My due date is the 28th so as you can imagine I am not very happy about the situation! I am trying to be patient but the thought of going past my due date is killing me! Any ideas of some great ways to make me go into labor on my own? I am very open to any suggestions!
I found some oil that is for restless legs and so I used it last night and I swear I was having contractions this morning. When I looked up all the individual ingredients it said one of them was rosemary oil which apparently can induce contractions. So I asked a friend of mine who is a midwife and she said it will definitely make things start to happen. So basically that was a really long explanation I could have just said rosemary oil!!! May be worth a quick trip to the store for some oil. I just put a tiny bit right in the middle of my lower back. I'm excited for you. I cant believe you only have 7 days! Call me if this makes no sense!!!
Ok...I got excited for a second when I saw a bouncer and pink blanket!!! Then I saw Ty's cute face and realized there's still no baby:)
So, what if she comes on Ty's b-day? That would be a fun b-day surprise!!!
What a bad friend I am! I haven't been paying attention to how close the due date is. I will be calling you so you better answer!
Just hang in there... and maybe come hang out on our trampoline?! Sorry about the news. Pregnancy really is a waiting game. We can't wait to meet her when she gets here!
You poor thing! I can relate with you, only my doctor was going out of town the week I was due so he agreed to induce. The last week is the worst!! I hope she comes soon and I think there is no one thing that can make it happen quicker! Good luck! I am excited for you!
Good luck! The end is so hard, but keep us posted!
Shelley I can't believe you are due!! For all I know you might have had her by now. I can't wait to see her. Good Luck with Everything
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